Established & Co. Corporate Responsibility – Code of Conduct

Working Conditions

Our company is committed to provide fair and safe working conditions to all workers. In addition, we are committed to monitor our suppliers and manufactures to make sure they comply with all the necessary legal requirements in order to protect working conditions. Our Corporate Responsibility Manager oversees monitoring related to working conditions of our suppliers and manufacturers.


No person shall be subjected to any type of discrimination regarding race, religion, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, nationality, or ethnic group.

Harassment or Abuse

Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subject to any physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment or abuse.

Workers Compensation

Established & Co. ensures that wages paid to employees are fair according to their job or position. We are committed to meet the local industry minimum standards.

Hours of Work

Established & Co. will not require workers to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country where the workers are employed. The regular work week shall not exceed 48 hours. Employers shall allow workers at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in every seven-day period. All overtime work shall be consensual. Employers shall not request overtime on a regular basis and shall compensate all overtime work at a premium rate. The total of regular and overtime hours in a week shall not exceed 60 hours.


Every employee is responsible for adhering to this code of conduct. Any questions regarding this code of conduct should be directed to the officers of Established & Co. Violations of any kind are subjected to disciplinary measures and possible termination. 

Corporate Responsibility

Established & Co. is a company that believes the confluence of fair labor and ethical workplace are the foundation of a solid corporation and consumer facing brand. Taking responsibility for the activities that involve customers, employees, the environment, and community is the essential to the core pillars, values, and standards of our company.

Sourcing Practices

Established & Co works continuously to find suppliers that adhere with our values and share ethical labor practices. Our goal is to improve our supply chain and find partners that help us deliver the products that meet our ethical and quality standards throughout the supply chain.

Ethical Labor Practices

Established & Co. is a company committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical labor practices. These standards are accepted and implemented both internally as a business and externally, by our partners and vendors. This practice is demonstrated from the top-down at Established & Co., where workers are treated with respect and paid
fairly. Forced labor practices are wrong and completely prohibited by Established & Co. and its vendors and manufacturers. Child labor is strictly prohibited by Established & Co, and its vendors and manufacturers.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Employers shall recognize and respect the right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Fair Labor

Established & Co. is a member of the Fair Labor Association. Our certification provides transparency and assurance that we are committed to upholding ethical practices throughout our supply chain. We are committed to FLA training requirements and transparency.

Harassment & Abuse

Established & Co. believes that all workers should be treated with dignity and respect. Suppliers must not engage in, condone, or tolerate physical, verbal, mental, or sexual harassment against or among their workers.


